Volunteers are key to everything we do at Central. There’s not a program, ministry, event, or activity that isn’t facilitated by an amazing volunteer. Whether it’s mid-week kids’ programs, the Sunday morning tech team, or the online prayer team, volunteers are right at the center of ministry. As you serve, you’ll make new friends and experience spiritual growth. We invite you to get in the game and use the gifts and abilities God gave you to make a difference in our community and help people know Jesus!
Explore the links below to learn more about serving at Central! Whether you serve weekly or monthly, there’s a serving opportunity that is a great fit for you. Once you fill out our serving interest form, you will be contacted by our volunteer coordinator to help you continue to explore your gifts and passions and find the right place for you to begin your serving journey!
Help provide an exceptional guest experience at weekend services and events.
Do you like to make people feel welcome and start the day with a smile? Making sure people feel at home at Central so that they can connect with God is the mission of this team. From greeting people, preparing coffee, to following up with first time guests after they’ve attended, there are many opportunities to get involved.
Answer questions from new guests, hand out welcome bags, and collect New Here cards.
Greet people as they enter Central for services and make them feel seen and welcomed.
Help direct people to safely park during weekly services or special events.
Open Worship Center doors, distribute communion, collect offerings, help people find seats during weekly services.
Prepare coffee and beverages and serve snacks during weekly services and special events.
Assist in first time guest follow up through text, phone calls and emails.
Help people take a step to join a group or serve team, pursue baptism and membership.
Do you have a passion to see people grow in their relationship with Christ and in their engagement with Central? The Next Steps Team encourages people to take next steps in their faith journey like Following Jesus, Baptism, Serving, Membership, Baby Dedication, and Life Groups.
Input and process Next Steps cards or website requests related to Next Steps. Engage with people expressing interest in Life Groups, Serving, Baptism, Membership, or Baby Dedications and coordinate with Central volunteer leaders and staff to move them forward in the process for each of these steps.
Be a friendly, personal point of contact for new attenders during their first six months of attending Central after they complete the six-week visitor follow up process. This includes following up with new attenders via text and possible in-person meetings and engaging with ministry leaders to make connections with the attenders.
Coach people expressing interest in serving through the Volunteer Onboarding process and help them become fully engaged on a serving team. Support the Central Volunteer Coordinator in yearly volunteer appreciation and volunteer expo events.
Teach Central’s membership class, both in person and over Zoom.
Help us worship God during weekend services and events through music and production.
Are you passionate about helping people move closer to Jesus through praise and worship? We would love to connect with you! We desire to worship first, care for one another second, and pursue excellence third. From our Modern and Classic services on Sundays to our special Worship events at other times of the year, this team enables Central to worship God with their whole heart, soul, mind, and spirit and energizes them to go out into the community to show God’s love to others in their daily lives.
(Piano/keyboard, drums, guitars, bass, strings). Use your voice or instrument to lead our church family in worship during Sunday services. Audition required.
Participate in worship through dance. No experience required—we will teach you.
Assist worship by advancing slides with lyrics in time with the music and sermon and play videos as necessary. Lighting technician: Run the lighting cues. No experience necessary – we will teach you.
Run the sound board to ensure proper audio levels. No experience necessary – we will teach you.
Edit video of service for posting online. No experience necessary – we will teach you.
Video Directors produce the modern services livestream by directing camera operators and slides operator and live switching between each with the goal of communicating a compelling story of worship and teaching. No experience necessary – we will teach you.
Depending on role within the camera team, produce the key shots for the Video director to mix to ensure online audiences experience the Modern worship service in full. No experience necessary – we will teach you.
(piano or guitar): Support the worship service while playing your favorite instrument. Audition required.
Lead worship through prayer and announcing hymn numbers. Vocal talent welcome but not required.
Assist worship by advancing slides with lyrics in time with the music and sermon and play videos as necessary. Training provided.
Play the bells in our bell choir for Classic service and special event performances. No experience necessary—we will teach you.
Help us partner with families to raise a generation for Christ.
Help us partner with families to raise a generation for Christ.
First Impressions matter! We are looking for energetic people that are willing to come a little early so that we can greet, register, and welcome our friends who are arriving for church.
Engage our littlest friends through safe, age-appropriate childcare and free play.
Engage our Toddlers and Preschools through free play, fun games, and age-appropriate Bible lessons.
Deliver an age-appropriate FUN Bible lesson to our kids. Curriculum and training will be provided.
Assist teacher to engage our kids in the Bible lesson.
Engage kids and bring the Bible to life through games, discussion, and FUN! Video based curriculum provided.
Each week, September through April, our leaders help the kids uncover new truths from the Bible about God, themselves, and others. We use games, crafts and activities to bring the word of God to life for our kids and help them apply it to their daily life.
Deliver an age-appropriate FUN Bible lesson and help kids memorize Scripture. Curriculum and training will be provided.
Assist teacher to engage our kids in the Bible lesson and other activities such as verse memorization, crafts, and life skills.
Lead the kids in fun games to bring home the Bible points.
Periodically lead worship for the kids on Wednesday nights.
Be a part of the team to brainstorm and implement great Kids Events together. This is a FUN way to work with other members while greatly benefiting our kids and outreach to our community.
Our Kids Worship team sings in the Modern and Classic services a few times a year. Help our kids learn a heart of worship to our God and have a blast while you’re at it! Serve as either Worship leader or helper during the Wednesday evening practice 6-7 pm.
Help us reach, equip, and disciple students as they live life on mission.
Central Student volunteers serve our students faithfully as they build relationships to ensure that all students feel known and loved. Our mid-week and Sunday morning programs help them develop their faith and gain a deeper understanding of the Bible, preparing them to answer life’s toughest questions. Join our team in a variety of roles such as worship tech support, small group leader or helping with set up and snacks! A criminal background check is required as well as additional training in our safety protocols. Most roles are on Tuesday or Thursday nights, but life groups meet on Sundays.
Lead worship that is engaging for students and also includes students in leading, serving, etc.
Use your voice or instrument to facilitate worship for students.
Facilitate Christ-centered discussions around Scripture covered in the message and promote discipleship.
Volunteers in this position can build relationships with students while helping with greeting, registration, snacks, and setup and cleanup.
Run engaging games for students to promote fun and fellowship.
Run sound, slides, and video for Breakaway worship and other student activities.
Leads one of the two small groups in discussion and prayer on Sunday Mornings.
Help people grow in their relationship with God and with each other through leading an online or in person small group.
Life Groups have a simple purpose—to connect people to Jesus and one another and are a key means for spiritual growth at Central. Groups meet once a week to study the Bible together, pray for each other, and just have fun! We have all types of groups that meet throughout the week, both in person and online.
Lead a weekly small group in which people share their lives, grow spiritually, and encourage each other. Life Group leaders are responsible for facilitating a Bible-based discussion, praying, and following up with their group members.
Recruit and organize life group leaders and ensure website group content is ready for each life group enrollment period. Lead and participate in life group training as needed. Provide assistance to life group leaders regarding appropriate Bible studies and content.
Provide coaching and care for a group of 3-4 life group leaders to mentor them in good group leadership practices and provide a sounding board for any challenges encountered while leading groups.
Show Jesus’ love and care to people when they most need it.
It’s Central’s mission to bring hope to those who are hurting. The Prayer & Care team does exactly that—shows Jesus’s love and care to people when they most need it through a listening ear and prayer.
At the end of worship service, pray with those who come forward, and direct them to fill out prayer and care cards for follow-up. Pray for people who fill out prayer & care cards as assigned.
Enter prayer & care cards into Planning Center and assign cards to team members as needed. Follow-up with assigned cards to make sure people were prayed for. Follow-up with Deacons of Care if cards were related to benevolence needs/requests. Maintain the Prayer & Care team Sunday morning assignment schedule.
Help men and women find community and grow in the faith through events, outreach activities and digital ministry.
Men’s, Women’s and Young Adult ministry planning teams hold events and support activities specific to adults based on gender or stage of life. If you have a heart to minister to adults through in person gatherings and digital tools, the planning teams could be a great fit for you.
Each Adult ministry has a planning team to organize events such as retreats, special speakers, fellowship activities, and mentoring groups. Each planning team member uses their unique gifts and skills in a variety of ways to support the ministry such as event planning, administration, outreach & prayer, and social media ministry.
Help make Jesus known to our community through graphic design, social media, video, and photography.
The Central Creative team uses their technical and creative skills to tell the story of what God is doing in and through Central Church. We use video, photography, graphic design and social media to support worship services, promote events and activities, and to minister to our people and our surrounding community.
Do you love taking photos or videos or know how to edit them to create great visual content? Visually capture all the ways that God is moving at Central.
Have art or graphic design skills? Use your skills to support worship services and promotion of events and ministries.
Provide daily interaction with our online community through intentional messaging, comments, and response management. Create engaging posts that tell the story of what’s going on at Central and make people want to get involved.
Do you know how to communicate ideas to help people learn well and leap into action? Weekly newsletters, website content, social media content, text messages—all require well-written communications skills that you may have in abundance.
Help make Jesus known in our local and global communities.
Help make Jesus known in our local and global communities.]
Help plan and lead local missions projects to make Jesus known in our community and meet the practical needs of people so we can live out our vision to bring hope to the hurting. Some of our ongoing projects in the community are working with the students of Urban Promise, providing vegetables through our Love Garden, and showing mercy to our unhoused community through Restoring Hearts.
Central periodically holds all church outreach and service events such as Kids Camp, The Christmas Store, Project Angel Tree, hygiene kit drives, food drives, the Free Market, etc. Each of these events requires an army of volunteers in specific roles to make the event happen. Lead an outreach, a specific event team, or just volunteer to be part of an event team.
Support our missionaries through periodic informational sessions, prayer events, and missions trips. Get to know our missionaries so you can communicate their needs to the congregation at large.
Help support Central’s ministries by maintaining our facility and providing practical help with setup and events.
Help support Central’s ministries by maintaining our facility and providing practical help with setup and events.
Help direct traffic, ensure security for special events, and provide emergency response if needed.
Help setup and takedown chairs, tables, and other elements for church events or help cook and serve meals.
Help clean up after special events by taking out the trash, clearing and wiping down tables, washing dishes, etc.
Provide administrative office support through answer phones, photocopying, special mailings, updating our database, etc.