Join Us On Sundays! | In-Person: 9:30 AM & 11:00 AM | Online: 9:30 AM

Next Steps

Wherever you are in life, you’re on a journey. And every journey has a next step. We are passionate about people knowing Jesus and taking steps to fully follow him. Whether it’s telling your story through baptism, finding community by joining a group, or using your unique gifts to serve others, we all have a next step – no matter where you are on your faith journey.

Explore the options below, let us know a little about yourself, and we’ll be in touch soon!

New to Central? Start Here!

We are so glad that you are joining us at Central! We invite you to fill out a New Here card, attend a “Get to Know Us Party” and explore other Next Steps so that you can learn more about Jesus and our church, and start connecting with others.

Follow Jesus

Deciding to follow Jesus is the first step in your faith journey! When we trust Jesus as our savior, we become a life changed by Christ. He forgives our past, brings us joy, and becomes our hope for the future. Click to learn more about the new life that comes when you follow Jesus.


We love to celebrate lives changed by Christ. Baptism is one of our favorite things we get to be a part of at Central because baptism is a celebration of your faith, and your commitment to follow Jesus!  If you are interested in taking a step towards baptism, we would love to talk with you and answer your questions!

Discover Central Membership Class

Come and discover why we are so passionate about our mission to introduce people to Jesus and help them grow as fully devoted followers through our Discover Central membership class.

Serve Teams

We believe God gave you unique skills and talents to help to make a difference in our community and help people know Jesus! At Central, there are serving opportunities to fit your skills and your schedule! Click to find your fit!

Life Groups

Life Groups have a simple purpose—to connect people to Jesus and one another, and are a key means for spiritual growth at Central. Groups meet once a week to study the Bible together, pray for each other, and just have fun!  We have all types of groups that meet throughout the week, both in person and online.  Click to check out current groups!

Looking for Your Best Next Step?

If you’d like to talk to someone about your Next Step, stop by the welcome center on a Sunday, or click on the link below to fill out the form to start the conversation now.